Everyone, meet Rocio. She is EXACTLY my kinda girl.
Rocio got up wicked early on a Monday morning to drive her dog Diamond and her cat Louie over an hour to meet me at Belmont in Fredericksburg for their photo session, all to celebrate Diamond’s 10th birthday. With her, she brought a floral crown she made herself, a tutu and a tiara.
I was pumped to meet this girl from the very first email I received from her. Finding out how crazy in love she was with her little ones made me instantly love her, finding out she was a vegan made me love her even more… but when she stepped out of her car with an outfit change on a hanger, a bowtie & harness on her cat, and was slipping a tutu over her pitbull’s booty, I about died. Even though we were shooting with some seriously harsh lighting situations (which always makes things a little more difficult from a photographer’s standpoint), I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this session. If only I could start out every Monday morning this way…
Love these next three in sequence…
MOOOOMMMM, if you’re gonna kiss me, you’re gonna get a big ol kiss right back! 😉
And had to end it with one of Rocio wiping off a lipstick kiss print on Diamond’s face — too cute and definitely sums up the entire session in one photo!